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Streamline your marketing FB Lead Forms - Go High Level 360

December 17, 20232 min read

Effortlessly Sync Your Facebook Leads with Go High Level 360 for Enhanced CRM and Marketing Automation

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In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the integration of various platforms is key to a seamless workflow. For those utilizing Facebook for lead generation, integrating these leads into Gp High Level 360 can be a game-changer. This guide will walk you through the simple yet effective process of mapping Facebook form fields to Go High Level 360, ensuring that your lead data flows smoothly from one platform to the other.

Step 1: Integrate Your Facebook Page

First things first, let's get your Facebook page connected to Go High Level 360. This initial step is crucial for syncing the two platforms. Here's how to do it:

  • Log into your Go High Level 360 account and navigate to "Settings".

  • From there, select "Integrations".

  • Follow the prompts to connect your Facebook page. It’s that easy! With your Facebook page integrated, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Field Mapping

Now, let's ensure that the information from your Facebook leads is organized correctly in Go High Level 360:

  • Head back to "Settings" in your Go High Level 360 account.

  • Click on "Integrations", and then select "Facebook Form Fields Mapping".

  • Here, you'll find a list of your Facebook forms. Choose the form you want to work with by clicking on “Map Fields” next to it.

Step 3: Mapping the Fields

This is where the magic happens. You'll see a user-friendly interface showing Facebook form fields on the left and Go High Level 360 fields on the right:

  • Go High Level 360 intelligently auto-maps common fields like “First Name”, “Last Name”, etc.

  • For unique fields (like a creatively spelled “E-MaiL AddResS”), you'll need to manually match them to the corresponding Go High Level 360 fields using a dropdown menu.

Step 4: Save Your Mappings

After aligning all the fields:

  • Simply click “Save”.

  • Your field mappings are now in place, ensuring that data from Facebook is accurately reflected in Go High Level 360.

Note on Non-Standard Fields:

If your forms include non-standard fields (anything beyond basic contact information), it's essential to have these custom fields pre-set in Go High Level 360. This step ensures that you can map these unique data points effectively.


Integrating Facebook lead ad forms with Go High Level 360 doesn’t just save time; it opens up a world of streamlined data management and marketing automation. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that every piece of valuable lead information is captured and utilized effectively in your marketing strategies. Happy integrating!

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Facebook Lead FormsHighLevel IntegrationGo High Level 360 integrationCRM AutomationMarketing AutomationLead GenerationDigital MarketingFacebook MarketingData MappingCustom Fields in CRMSocial Media Leads
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Emily Bradshaw

Emily Is a partner, owner, and co-founder of Go High Level 360. Emily is the expert behind Go High Level 360 and the support we provide to other Go High Level Agencies and businesses. Here is a list of some notable Clients Emily currently provides expert support for. "Think & Grow Rich from Limitless Distributions" - "Babes in Business Rachel Page & Drew Thomas" - "Allied Development" formally known as "Enterprise CEO" - "Parker Pastures" - John Jasniak" - "Life Support Academy" - "High Performance Ads" - "Nurture King" & of course Go High Level 360 & High Level 360. In addition, Emily is also a co-owner and in the process of building a ranch in Texas. You can follow Emily through her social media accounts listed below.

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