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Go High Level 360 Blogs: Discover Insights and Inspiration:

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Why GoHighLevel360 and WordPress Integration?

December 27, 20235 min read

"WordPress: The Backbone of Modern Web Development"

Introduction to GoHighLevel360

GoHighLevel360, stands out as a comprehensive sales and marketing platform tailored for marketing agencies and small businesses. It encompasses an array of essential business tools, all available for a fixed monthly cost. What sets GoHighLevel360 apart is its White label products, features, as well as your support allowing agencies to brand the platform as their own. This transforms GoHighLevel360 into a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, creating an additional stream of monthly recurring revenue for agencies.


Previously, agencies often faced the challenge of client attrition post-project completion, whether it be website development or Facebook ad campaigns. GoHighLevel360 innovatively addresses this by enabling agencies to migrate their clients from various CRM, email marketing tools, phone systems, or funnel software, to manage their operations entirely through GoHighLevel360. This not only simplifies the business process but also establishes a steady source of recurring monthly income, with agencies having the flexibility to set their service charges.


GoHighLevel360's offerings are expansive and unrestricted. Users on any paid plan have access to unlimited contacts, websites, funnels, email or text templates, and workflows. Additionally, there are no storage limits, accommodating an extensive range of videos, files, documents, and images.


For a quick read on migrating to GoHighLevel360 explained, you may refer to my blog post titled Embracing the Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Migrating to Go High Level 360

To understand how GoHighLevel360 structures its pricing, delve into my CRM Solutions page under Products and Services tab on the GoHighLevel360 website.


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WordPress: The Backbone of Modern Web Development

WordPress is a highly popular content management system, powering over 40% of websites globally. Its widespread use is attributed to its extensibility and affordability. WordPress themes offer diverse design frameworks, reducing the time and effort required for website development. Its plugins enhance functionality and ensure seamless integration with external systems, thanks to its open API and a vast developer community. WordPress has become instrumental for businesses aiming to scale and expand their digital presence.


Typically, hosting a WordPress site costs between $10 and $20 per month, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a powerful yet cost-effective website solution.


Why Choose GoHighLevel360 for Hosting WordPress Sites?

GoHighLevel360 introduces the capability to host an unlimited number of websites and funnels. This hosting is integrated within the GoHighLevel360 platform, eliminating additional hosting fees. Although GoHighLevel360's website builder is robust, offering extensive content creation possibilities, it is recognized that it may not match the extensibility of WordPress in terms of themes and plugins. To bridge this gap, GoHighLevel360 has seamlessly integrated WordPress hosting, allowing users to leverage WordPress features while offering the option to resell this service to clients for additional monthly revenue. This integration underscores GoHighLevel360's commitment to providing comprehensive support for businesses and their clients.


Activating WordPress in GoHighLevel360

Initially, the WordPress feature in GoHighLevel360 is hidden from clients and requires activation. To enable it, navigate to the Agency level and the Sub-Accounts menu. Here, you'll find a list of client accounts set up within your GoHighLevel360 account. Select the desired client account and toggle the "Offer WordPress" option to make the WordPress menu available for that client.


Reselling WordPress Hosting with GoHighLevel360

GoHighLevel360 empowers marketing agencies to monetize their platform. When integrating WordPress hosting, agencies can set their pricing for this service. The base cost for WordPress hosting in GoHighLevel360 is $10 per month, allowing agencies to profit from any additional charges imposed. GoHighLevel360's default markup price is $14.99 monthly, offering a monthly profit margin of $4.99 per client. Agencies have the flexibility to adjust this price as needed.


Billing Options for WordPress in GoHighLevel360

WordPress hosting costs in GoHighLevel360 can be covered either by the agency or the client. If the agency opts to bear the cost, it is typically included in the monthly subscription package offered to clients. For instance, the WordPress feature might be a part of the Premium package, where clients using this package would have the WordPress hosting included in their monthly fees.


Conversely, if the agency does not include WordPress hosting in any package, clients can opt to pay for it directly at the price set by the agency. This creates a monthly charge for the client, contributing to the agency's revenue. In addition, a base charge for the WordPress service will be added to the agency's monthly GoHighLevel360 invoice.

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Integrating and Migrating WordPress with GoHighLevel360

Upon purchasing WordPress hosting, users can start creating WordPress sites within GoHighLevel360. The process involves selecting the "Create WordPress" button and filling out the necessary website details. A brief setup period is required for the WordPress database integration. Once complete, users can access the WordPress dashboard through GoHighLevel360 for site configuration.


For migrating existing WordPress sites, GoHighLevel360 recommends using the "All-In-One WP Migration" plugin. This facilitates a smooth and efficient transfer of existing WordPress sites to the GoHighLevel360 platform.


Conclusion: GoHighLevel360's WordPress Hosting Advantage

Integrating WordPress hosting into GoHighLevel360 represents a significant enhancement to the platform, addressing a previously unmet need among marketing agencies. This feature enables agencies to offer more competitive and cost-effective web hosting solutions to their clients. GoHighLevel360 continues to cement its position as a leading platform for marketing agencies by consistently introducing innovative tools and features to support comprehensive client services.

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Emily Bradshaw

Emily Is a partner, owner, and co-founder of Go High Level 360. Emily is the expert behind Go High Level 360 and the support we provide to other Go High Level Agencies and businesses. Here is a list of some notable Clients Emily currently provides expert support for. "Think & Grow Rich from Limitless Distributions" - "Babes in Business Rachel Page & Drew Thomas" - "Allied Development" formally known as "Enterprise CEO" - "Parker Pastures" - John Jasniak" - "Life Support Academy" - "High Performance Ads" - "Nurture King" & of course Go High Level 360 & High Level 360. In addition, Emily is also a co-owner and in the process of building a ranch in Texas. You can follow Emily through her social media accounts listed below.

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